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Writer's picturesjfbarnett

Currently reading: Marissa G. Franco

I‘m currently reading Platonic: How The Science of Attachment Can Help You Make—and Keep—Friends by Marisa G. Franco. In it she discusses how our social relationships are often guided by a heteronormative hierarchy, to our detriment. I really dig how she outlines the importance of friendships and chosen families to enrichen our support networks and our lives. That romantic relationships tend to trump platonic ones is a societal script that is causing considerable distress among those whom are not partnered, whether by choice or by circumstance.

Couples Privilege is a phenomenon that benefits only romantically partnered relationships, and sets people up to feel like failures if a such a partnership just isn’t in the cards. As a result, many people set their sights on that elusive perfect partner, often sacrificing friends, family, and themselves along the way. Honestly, if you’re single, wouldn’t you still want someone to be there for you in illness, in celebration, in crisis, or just for a hug?

So jump off the relationship escalator and devote as much time, love, and affection to friends as you would to a lover. Your life will be richer for it.

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